Actually, rather than calling R.E.A.L. Life Coaching a style, I prefer to call it a perspective on life coaching. A perspective that highlights principles which make life coaching truly fulfilling, not only in a material way but more holistically. And this is what is reflected in how R.E.A.L. Life Coaching understands the meaning of success.
R.E.A.L. Life Coaching is grounded in the understanding that real success is measured by…
your ability to be present and aware in every experience that you encounter;
the degree of fulfilment you experience in your day-to-day existence;
your appreciation of the miracle and mystery that is called… your life!
Fundamentally, R.E.A.L. Life Coaching is present-oriented, phenomenological, and relational – including an emphasis on the relationship between the client and the coach – and it puts authenticity in focus.
R.E.A.L. Life Coaching is about being real, being authentic, being true to yourself as you are, and discovering that this works very well when you use what you have/are to get to where you want to go. You can be you, with all your talents, skills and shortcomings, AND have real success in every area of your life!
To arrange your first session of Life Coaching, contact me today!
R.E.A.L. Life Coaching components
R.E.A.L. Life Coaching endeavours to make sure that all the R.E.A.L. Life Coaching components are balanced in each area of your life, so that your life as a whole will be balanced, and you will be able to enjoy the fruits of all your efforts. It looks through the R.E.A.L. lens upon any areas of your life where you would like to be more successful – career, relationship, health & wellbeing, personal growth & development, spirituality etc.