Life coaching services

This page provides an overview, with summaries of the different life coaching services that I provide. For more details, click the buttons at the end of each summary. Or simply click on the relevant item in the menu at top of page, under SERVICES.


Life Coaching in all its variations is a process that aims at helping you achieve what you wish for in life. This process may focus on your occupation and finances. Or it may focus on your relationship, your health and fitness, or your personal growth and development.

In my experience, however, when people consider engaging a life coach, what they ultimately want is coaching toward a meaningful life, toward finding and pursuing their life purpose; they want Meaningful Life Coaching.


Even when your life is already quite successful, and you are not held back by any serious “problems”, you may still have ambitions to reach further in certain areas of life.

Perhaps you want to improve your performance in your career, in your business, or in your sport.

Perhaps you want to grow and develop on a personal level, to become more confident, and to be more at ease in social situations.

Perhaps you even want to completely transform your life, to reach toward goals that you never before dared to dream of, personally, professionally, and spiritually.


If your relationship is already quite good, but you recognise that it can still be even better in some respects, then relationship coaching is probably for you.

Maybe you have identified niggly little disturbances that you want to address before they grow into problems.

Or maybe you simply know from experience that being in a relationship can be quite challenging at times, and you want to make sure that you have all the tools and strategies for dealing with such challenges, should they arise.


Meeting face-to-face is always the recommended format for personal life coaching as well as for relationship coaching. When this is not feasible, there is also the option of doing coaching online, or even telephone coaching.

You may consider online coaching or phone coaching…

if you live in a remote area, or live too far from my office to be able to attend in person;
or if your circumstances prevent you from seeing me in person;
or if you don’t feel that you are quite ready yet for meeting in person;
or if you simply don’t feel the need for face-to-face coaching;
or for other reasons of your own.


While this website is dedicated to Meaningful Life Coaching services, I also provide other related services, such as…

Personal Counselling and Psychotherapy

Marriage and Relationship Counselling

Sleep problems and Sleep therapy

Mindfulness meditation

Clinical supervision

Click the button below to read brief descriptions of those services.

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